Monday, September 6, 2010

Steel Yourself: Savory Oatmeal

Phew! I am not crazy. Turns out I am not the only person on this planet wise to the ways of savory oatmeal for breakfast. For ever and ever, I've been eating oatmeal sans brown sugar, raisins, or any other of the sweet sprinklings that most people deem necessary. My toppings of choice: butter and salt. OMG good. I make it that way at home, I order it that way in restaurants. It's just the way I like it. Friends scoff. Have been told that I'm loony.

But like I said, turns out, not so much.

I recently became a convert to an even more savory version of my beloved warm cereal on one of my favorite all-time blogs, Appetite, by photographer extraordinaire Penny De Los Santos (it's official - I want her life). She imparts the joys of discovering savory oatmeal to which sharp cheddar, cracked black pepper, sea salt and olive oil are the accouterments. Heaven in bowl. Did you hear me? Heaven! In a Bowl!!

I pretty much made this recipe immediately after reading it, and have enjoyed it every single morning over this long Labor Day weekend when I've had the luxury of leisurely mornings. So naturally, I had to share with you. I hope that you become a convert as well.

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