Monday, May 31, 2010

Miso Tasty: Miso Glaze - Good on Anything!

This post is for my dad. A few weeks back, he commented that lately he'd been enjoying quite a few meals out that featured "miso glaze" on this and that. He has a tendency - as do I - to frequent Asian restaurants, and was finding that he was really liking this miso thing; he wanted to know how to make it at home. Turns out, miso glaze is one of my favorite and super simple ways to jazz up a meal... so, a dinner party was born.

Over this glorious, rain-free (!) Memorial Day weekend, we got together à chez moi and grilled up a storm (grilling=requirement for the holiday, correct?). Chicken, veggies, and my favorite - salmon - all went on the grill, and although it tastes great when brushed on any of the above, the miso glaze was reserved for the fish this time around.

There's not much to it - you whisk together just a couple of ingredients, brush it on during the last stages of grilling or broiling, and voila - dinner done tasty. You don't need to season the fish, chicken or veggies with anything other than the glaze - it's got enough salt and flavor within the sauce to do the trick nicely all on its own.

As mentioned, salmon is my hands-down favorite miso glazed variation (the picture above is broiled wild Alaskan sockeye salmon with miso glaze, served with quinoa and spicy garlic fava beans... I could have that every night of the week!). But it's great on chicken and even steak as well. If you're going the veggie route, I suggest eggplant, asparagus, zucchini and portobello mushrooms - they all work beautifully. Whatever the case, it's easy and it's good.

So here you go dad - miso glaze. And thanks again for such a great time spent together - the best part of the meal!

Miso Glaze
  • 1/4 cup miso paste (red or white - it doesn't matter)
  • 1 tablespoon fish sauce
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil
  • 1 tablespoon rice wine vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon honey (you could also use brown sugar)
Whisk all ingredients together; go forth and glaze!

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